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    Skill Xp for Regeneration of Sp bar.


    Pseudo : Enaporah
    Age : 36 Masculin
    Localisation : Barbezieux
    Messages : 80
    Date d'inscription : 09/06/2010

    Skill Xp for Regeneration of Sp bar. Empty Skill Xp for Regeneration of Sp bar.

    Message par FlashNain Mer 21 Juil - 6:35

    Source Forum officiel : http://forum.cabalonline.com/showthread.php?t=163590

    (J'ai fait un résumé en bas de la page.)

    People know that skill EXP increase exp per skill ,the same allows you
    to rank up faster.
    Though many people (specialy directed to high lvls) dont know that skill
    exp affect SP regen per each skill you use.

    SP is the YELLOW BAR under HP & MP bar ,contain max up to 5 bars (6
    in future).
    Eaech SP bar is 5000 SP ,we use the SP for:
    -combo- 450 SP
    -BM1/BM2- 5000 SP (1 bar)
    -Aura - 5000 SP (1 bar)

    SP regen per skill amount depend from the CAST TIME of skill ,the
    longer cast time the more SP you will gain from it.
    The SP regen varies from 5 SP to around 30 SP per skill without any

    Also as people know from other sources the max adept set bonus people
    should have is around 40 ,though noone know why is its like that ,
    i will try to explain it later.

    As i wrote before ,skill EXP increase SP regen per skill.
    The SKill EXP to SP convert ratio is 0.50 ,with means for each 2
    skill exp you regen 1 SP more per skill you use.
    Note that if you "miss" on monster you wont regen any SP ,also amount of
    mobs you hit dont increase SP regen.

    So now this information can be wery usefull for HIGH LVLS players
    ,specialy FA and WI as they use short cast time skills.
    Short cast times regen around 5-15 SP per skill ,longer ones around
    15-30 SP.
    As combo drain 450 SP ,and someone can output as avarange 11 combo ,you

    15 SP x 11 = 165 SP
    +~2 SP x 11 = 22 SP
    (when you use skills in combo they give 1-3 SP more ,it also depends
    from cast time)
    187 SP regained as FA ,with means you loose 263 SP per combo from your
    Thats alot if you are soloing dungeon and need every bit of your SP for

    So now per each 2 skill exp you gain 1 SP more.
    If you use skill exp rune at max lvl ,you gain +10 skill exp with is +5
    SP per skill.
    To that you can use (as end game gear) 3 x mithril amp adept ,with is +4
    skill exp per part ,in totall of +12 skill exp (+6 SP per skill).
    You can also use pet (each skill exp slot give +2) ,boards ,titles
    ,premium ,beads.

    With mithrils and rune ,you got +11 SP more per each skill.
    So lets count it again for our FA that cant do more than 11 combo.

    15SP x 11 = 165 SP (base)
    +~2 SP x 11 = 22 SP (bonus from combo)
    +11SP x 11 = 121 SP (bonus from skill exp)
    165+22+121 = 308 SP
    As you can see ,player with just few items minimalized the loose of each
    combo from 263SP to 142SP.
    In my personal opinion thats alot for FA/WI ,other classes profit from
    it too ,as they can combo in infinity without any loose on SP bar.

    Now i will explain the "40 skill exp for skilling max".
    As everything good in cabal it must be limited ,there is currently CAP
    for SP boost in skills.
    The CAP (as i tested) is pretty big so dont worry, its even up to
    +175% for fast skills ,and bit over +100% for slow skill.
    With maens if skill give you +10 SP without boosts ,you can up it to
    even +25 SP with help of skill exp.
    Higher cast times from +25 SP to +50SP.

    And as people are skilling with fast casting skills ,its useless to have
    more than +40 skill exp (+20 SP).

    NOTE: skill exp dont increase dancing SP gain.
    All important information is marked for people who dont wanna read

    Thanks for Carebearz guild for helping tests ,also for (GAL)Kya for
    posting it on forum.

    Thanks for reading,

    Alors, je vous la fait simple pour ceux qui ont du mal avec l'anglais. Le gentil monsieur ici explique qu'avec ses collègues ils ont testé l'effet du skill Xp sur la régénération des points de Sp et il se trouve que par skill, les Sp sont regen a hauteur de 0.5 point de Sp par point de Skill Xp. En gros et bah le Skill Xp même quand on est full skill rank et bah ça a encore une utilité. Razz

    Pseudo : usagiwizard
    Age : 36 Masculin
    Localisation : japon ^^ non je rigole mais au soleil en tous cas
    Messages : 108
    Date d'inscription : 08/06/2010

    Skill Xp for Regeneration of Sp bar. Empty Re: Skill Xp for Regeneration of Sp bar.

    Message par usagiwizard Mer 21 Juil - 19:13

    merci pour l'info

      La date/heure actuelle est Lun 28 Oct - 14:19